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Pacific Steam Navigation Company

Pages updated 8th February 2025

When you change your email address please let me know as many "bounced" or were "undelivered" when I used to send out details of the annual Reunions!
We now rely on you reading the details on the web site.
However, I frequently receive emails from former colleagues who wish to contact old friends and it helps to be able to send you an email to let you know.

Email Bernie Guymer

HELP! - requests for information about people & ships.   New requests added regularly!





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P.S.N.C. Ships (photographs)

Cuzco - a one off; built 1951 & broken up in 1977
George Peacock - named after first Captain (poor quality from a magazine)
Kenuta - sister to Cotopaxi, Flamenco, Pizarro, Potosi
Lagarto - originally Glenavy - acquired by PSNC in 1924 and renamed
Oravia - sinking off the Falkland Islands November 1912
Orbita - Launched 1914. Broken up 1950
Orduna - Launched 1914. Broken up 1951 - thanks to Mike Berry in Australia for postcard
Potosi - sister to Cotopaxi, Flamenco, Kenuta, Pizarro
Reina del Pacifico - a beautiful liner built 1931 & broken up 1958
Reina del Mar - another beautiful liner built 1956 & broken up 1975
The two Reinas - in Callao, Peru
Samothrace - in 1947 renamed "Talca"
Santander - sister ship to Salamanca, Salinas and Salaverry
Salinas - sister ship to Salamanca, Santander and Salaverry
Somers Isle - sister ship to Cienfuegos and Eleuthera
Talca (III) - formerly Samothrace
Wm. Wheelwright - named after the founder of PSNC

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P.S.N.C. Former Sea-Going Personnel